Sunday 3 November 2013



Fulfilled, Great and Happy
a Life That Is Meaningful Now and One Which Lives For Ever!

人被创造的目的是推进不断演进之文明。(巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉圣典选集》,215 页)

All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization
(Revealed by Baha'u'llah,"Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah", p. 215 

“一个人的幸福与伟大,地位和状态,愉悦和安宁从来不在于他个人的财富而是在他优秀的品格、高尚的决心、广度的学识与他解决困难问题的能力。”阿博都.巴哈《神圣文明的》,23 页)

The happiness and greatness, the rank and station, the pleasure and peace, of an individual have never consisted in his personal wealth, but rather in his excellent character, his high resolve, the breadth of his learning and his ability to solve difficult problems.
("The Secret of Divine Civilization", p.23)


不是就这种类的人我们在生活里与现在的社会比以往任何时候都更需要的?我们不是都希望在世界上有更多的这样奋起有助而贡献建设和弘扬人类文明---所将我们人类感到真正的自豪和荣耀---的人吗?我们每个人不会,也不应该这样---有坚决地、信心地,同时也有谦逊的心、有真正的服务精神与友谊地---想要做到这种人的目标吗?具有这种高尚的目标并努力地指望作为这种的人, 就是真正高贵的标志;是真正的领导, 那除了成功和造成荣耀无知别的果实一种!

Isn’t this a kind of people whom we really need in our lives and our societies today?  Wouldn’t we all have wished that more of these individuals would exist in the world and arise to contribute in building and carrying forward a civilization which would be the true pride and glory of humanity? Wouldn’t we each wanted and shouldn’t we each aim—resolutely with confidence and resourcefulness, yet humbly with genuine spirit of service and friendship—to be one of those individuals?  To aim high and to endeavor in being of the kind, is the sign of true nobility.  It is a leadership which shall know none but success and glory!

If interested you are welcome to visit my two other blogs in English: