Sunday, 29 July 2012


Two Natures of Human Being: Spiritual Reality and Physical Existence
The abounding radiance and continuous happiness and joy is the fruit of spirituality. The material aspect results only in temporary happiness and rejoicings, and its constant changes cause also sorrow and disappointments all the time!

人具有两种天性的性质。实现人类的美德和完美取决于他精神的优势和它占主导在他动物性质的状态。”(阿博都.巴哈 的词语;1912 7 8纽约,“马哈茂德的日记”)

“There are two natures in man. The realization of human virtues and perfections depends on the ascendancy of the spiritual over the animal nature in him.”  (Words of `Abdu'l-Baha, 8 July 1912, New York, "Mahmud's Diary")

人的身体与动物相似的被受到自然的法则;但,区别是 人还具有另一种的性质,即,现实的理性和理智---这智力的实体对于大自然占主导地位。人类享受和受益于所有科学和技术的进步是自然界隐藏和深奥秘密的性质,它都无法知晓的。自然 本身是被俘虏在它隐藏性质的所固定的规则而作为它们的从属;但是,人被具有潜在的力量而能够发现自然界的秘密和它不明的真实。就解开着自然存在无数的秘密,人一步一步地进步了,领看不见真实的知识出现而被学习。这证明了人类的存在赋予权力和能力,自然界无拥有的。人被赋予的理解力和潜在的能力都本身是他上级现实和精神方面性质,即,他精神的权力与力量。

The human body like the animals’is subject to nature's laws. But man is endowed with another nature, the rational and intellectual reality; and the intellectual reality of man predominates over the nature.  All these sciences and advancements which we enjoy and benefit from once been hidden and the recondite secrets of nature, all were unknowable to it itself, and the nature has been and is captive by the rules of the hidden mysteries that is concealed in it. Man, however, was enabled to discover these mysteries, progressed in unraveling the secrets of the existence; he brought the hidden realities out of the plane of the unseen into the plane of the visible and seen.  This proves that human being's existence endows powers and capacities which the nature does not possess. The intellectual faculties and potential capacities of the man are themselves the powers of his superior nature and spiritual reality; that is, his spirit—'the human spirit'. 

“您必须总是很乐意。您必须与欢乐和幸福的人关联而被神圣的道德装饰自己。被打乱造成疾病,但幸福和乐意于保护我们的健康有直接的影响。永恒快乐的基础是灵性与精神充满的美德,它无被遵循悲哀、悲伤。然而,物理的幸福是相反的被受到无数的改造,盛衰与变迁。”(阿博都.巴哈 的词语;1912 6 19纽约,“马哈茂德的日记”)

“You must always be happy. You must associate with joyous and happy people and be adorned with divine morals. Happiness has a direct influence in preserving our health while being upset causes illness. The basis of eternal happiness is spirituality and divine virtue, which is not followed by sorrow. But physical happiness is subject to a thousand changes and vicissitudes.”  (Words of `Abdu’l-Baha, 19 June 1912, in New York, “Mahmud’s Diary”)

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Thursday, 19 July 2012

“每一个人的责任是从事一种占领和工作,如一工种、贸易或类似的作业。我们把你们这样从事的工作和职业成为而达到以全副精力地崇拜和祈祷唯一上帝的职级和地位。反思和思考,你们人类阿!你们主宰的恩典和祝福的礼物是那么宽宏大量的,然后在日暮和曙光感谢他吧。别浪费你们的时间在无聊,也不懒懒散散;但更换,尽力地从事那会将于你们和于其他人有益的职业。”(巴哈欧拉,“亚格达斯经.至圣经书”,韵文 32

It is incumbent upon each one of you to engage in some occupation - such as a craft, a trade or the like.  We have exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship of the one true God.  Reflect, O people, on the grace and blessings of your Lord, and yield Him thanks at eventide and dawn. Waste not your hours in idleness and sloth, but occupy yourselves with what will profit you and others.  (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Kitab-i-Aqdas”, p. 30)

在宇宙中所存在的和谐与一体性,我们的统一和警醒的符合更与比我们自己有限的存在更大的,即无限 存在之源,明确地反映世界上万物的一体和创造界的一致性。祈祷就是这种理解和实现的手段与表示;由于它的影响扩大而伸展我们有限的力量和致命的能力 ,并将它们连接到宇宙来源的无限辅助力量。如果与洞察力和有自由的思想,以真诚和纯洁的心灵说,祈祷将吸引神圣力量的辅助,因而将滋养我们的期望与能力,并将给于我们做出的努力和行动支持。不过,祈祷本身是足不够的---为了神圣的力量和帮助达到我们,我们需要做出努力,必须发挥我们的作用和贡献。祈祷和实行与行动是相辅相成的。其实,最好的祈祷、感恩和警拜是于人的良善、优势和改善有助的行动,包括着我们自己和我们亲人的。

Harmony and oneness, unity and vigilant conformity with something far greater than our own limited self, is a reflection of the true coherence and actual oneness that exists in the world of creation. Prayer is indeed a testimony to such understanding and realization; it is the way of expanding our mortal abilities and stretching our limited forces to reach and connect with the Source of power and might in the universe.  Prayer attracts divine powers, nourishes our abilities and creates high aspirations, and it supports our actions and endeavors.  Of course, prayer alone is not enough; in order for the divine powers to reach us and assist us, we need to make the effort and have to render our share and play our part well.  Prayer and action go hand in hand. Indeed, the best of prayer, thanksgiving and worship is action and performing a deed which is conducive to goodness, benefit and the betterment of all people that of course includes ourselves and our loved ones.

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Tuesday, 10 July 2012


“If religion does not agree with science, it is superstition and ignorance.” 
(Revealed by `Abdu’l-Baha, “Promulgation of the Universal Peace”, p. 128)


Every human being is invested with innate potential and capacity to manifest and develop worthy traits and acquire noble perfections, and while the potentials are diverse in degrees and measures, and varied in qualities and kinds, no one is born without such a powerful and matchless gift and capacity.  Albeit, that capacity is concealed within its being and needs to be developed and brought into light, like a blooming and fruit-bearing tree which once been hidden in a seed.  "All that which ye potentially possess, can" Bahá'u'lláh confirms, “ manifested only as a result of your own volition."

(阿博都.巴哈,《世界和平的基础》,60 页)

“Science is the first emanation from God toward man.  All created beings embody the potentiality of material perfection, but the power of intellectual investigation and scientific acquisition is a higher virtue specialized to man alone.”
(Revealed by `Abdu’l-Baha, “Foundations of World Unity”, p.60)

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Sunday, 1 July 2012

That which leadeth man unto loftiness and glory 


“Confucius said: I examine myself and meditate to comprehend and know my own being three times a day.” (“The Analects”, Chapter 1, #4)

(巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉书简集》,34-35 页)

"That man should know his own self and recognize that which leadeth unto loftiness or lowliness, glory or abasement, wealth or poverty. Having attained the stage of fulfillment reached his maturity, man standeth in need of wealth, and such wealth as he acquireth through crafts or profession is commendable and praiseworthy in the estimation of men of wisdom, and especially in the eyes of servants who dedicate themselves to the education of the world and to the edification of its peoples. They are, in truth, cup-bearers of the life-giving water of knowledge and guides unto the ideal way. They direct the peoples of the world to the straight path and acquaint them with that which is conducive to human upliftment and exaltation. The straight path is the one which guideth man to the dayspring of perception and to the dawning-place of true understanding and leadeth him to that which will redound to glory, honour and greatness."   (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Tablets of Baha’u’llah”, p. 34-35)

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