Serving nobly
“所贵于天下之士者,为人排患、释难、解纷乱而无所取也。” 《 战国策.赵策》
“That one is a true knight and a noble learned on the land who endeavors to eradicate the sufferings and difficulties of people, resolves the problems and releases the hardships, emancipates confusions and clears complications---and yet with all these, does not expect to receive and obtain any gains and benefits for oneself.” (“Zhan Guo Anecdotes”, Zhao Policy)
“对所与私欲分离的、并没有自我中心的、从自私有自由的人来说善良的服务和行为就本身是它最大的奖赏和酬谢。 如果我们要扩大的解释这主题,无数的经典将会被写。”
(《巴哈欧拉书简集》,189 页)
“Unto them that are rid of all attachments a deed is, verily, its own reward. Were We to enlarge upon this theme numerous Tablets would need to be written.” (“Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas”, p. 189)
虽然任何服务于授助,乃至某一个仁慈和善意的手势,不应该被算是一件理所当然的事而必要善良公义地被所接受那样好意和服务的人赞赏和珍惜;但是,所“真正高贵、崇高的人们”,就“爱你是一心一意诚意的”,他们提供的所帮助、给与人类的所服务都不是“起因于任何恐惧和私欲、希望或期待奖励的”。他们唯一的动机和真诚的希望与目的只是对人类做到好的、有用的事。他们对自己不追求任何认知、表彰和荣誉,并没有别有用心意图和愿望贪恋地使用服务的方式和标示要得到个人的利益。 他们的就是纯粹地服务、真诚地努力,只是希望在人类世界导致善良的心情、进步与幸福。
While no act of service and assistance, nay no gesture of kindness and good-will should be taken for granted, but rather be genuinely and fairly appreciated and treasured by the receivers of such favors and goodness, the “noble people” are those who “love you with heart and soul” and offer service “without any fear, hope or expectation of reward”. Their sole motive and sincere desire is only to be of some good to people. They are not after any recognitions and distinctions, not having ulterior intension and desire, coveting to receive personal benefits through their deeds and by appearing to perform good acts. Theirs, rather, is a pure service, a sincere effort, wanting only to be the cause of goodness and high spirit, progress and happiness in the world of humanity.
If interested you are welcome to visit my two other blogs in English:
Learning Felicityhttp://learningfelicity.blogspot.ca/
Inked ThinkPenhttp://inkedthinkpen.blogspot.ca/
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