Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Serving nobly

所贵于天下之士者,为人排患、释难、解纷乱而无所取也。 战国策.赵策》

“That one is a true knight and a noble learned on the land who endeavors to eradicate the sufferings and difficulties of people, resolves the problems and releases the hardships, emancipates confusions and clears complications---and yet with all these, does not expect to receive and obtain any gains and benefits for oneself.” (“Zhan Guo Anecdotes”, Zhao Policy) 

对所与私欲分离的、并没有自我中心的、从自私有自由的人来说善良的服务和行为就本身是它最大的奖赏和酬谢。 如果我们要扩大的解释这主题,无数的经典将会被写。
(《巴哈欧拉书简集》,189 页)

“Unto them that are rid of all attachments a deed is, verily, its own reward. Were We to enlarge upon this theme numerous Tablets would need to be written.” (“Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas”, p. 189)

虽然任何服务于授助,乃至某一个仁慈和善意的手势,不应该被算是一件理所当然的事而必要善良公义地被所接受那样好意和服务的人赞赏和珍惜;但是,真正高贵、崇高的人们爱你是一心一意诚意的,他们提供的所帮助、给与人类的所服务都不是起因于任何恐惧和私欲、希望或期待奖励的他们唯一的动机和真诚的希望与目的只是对人类做到好的、有用的事。他们对自己不追求任何认知、表彰和荣誉,并没有别有用心意图和愿望贪恋地使用服务的方式和标示要得到个人的利益。 他们的就是纯粹地服务、真诚地努力,只是希望在人类世界导致善良的心情、进步与幸福。

While no act of service and assistance, nay no gesture of kindness and good-will should be taken for granted, but rather be genuinely and fairly appreciated and treasured by the receivers of such favors and goodness, the “noble people” are those who “love you with heart and soul” and offer service “without any fear, hope or expectation of reward”. Their sole motive and sincere desire is only to be of some good to people.  They are not after any recognitions and distinctions, not having ulterior intension and desire, coveting to receive personal benefits through their deeds and by appearing to perform good acts. Theirs, rather, is a pure service, a sincere effort, wanting only to be the cause of goodness and high spirit, progress and happiness in the world of humanity.  


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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

造物主如此按自己的形象创造了人。在神圣上帝的形象他创造了人,男和女,他创造了他们。 《创世记1:27

God thus created man with His Image. In the Image of God He created man, male and female, He created them. (“Genesis”, 1:27)

存在之子啊!以威权之手我塑造了你。以力量之指我创造了你;在你之中我以置放了我光明之精髓。 你该以此满足而勿另寻其它, 因为我的作品是完美的,我的命令是必须遵守的。不要询问,也不要有一丝怀疑。(《巴哈欧拉之隐言经》,阿拉伯 12 号)

“O Son Of Being! With the hands of power I made thee and with the fingers of strength I created thee; and within thee have I placed the essence of My light. Be thou content with it and seek naught else, for My work is perfect and My command is binding. Question it not, nor have a doubt thereof.”  (Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh, “Hidden Words”, Arabic #12)


The image of God, the essence of His light, placed in the inner reality of each of our beings and gifted by the hands of His power, mercifully, bountifully, is a Truth which while emphatically testifies to the nobility of the human beings—so highly and uniquely distinguished above all other existent beings in the universe by God Himself—it in no ways implies or should ever be misunderstood as such that the Creator’s peerless Essence and absolutely exalted station beyond the understanding and knowledge of every human being is even remotely co-possessed and shared by mortally finite and feebly imperfect humans.  God’s could be likened to the existence and station of the brilliant sun in the firmament of the physical world, that rising from the horizon and enlightening the planet earth, sustains it and its every existent with its light and warmth.  Ours, the humans’, are like the rays of the sun—while emanated from sun and each being  potentially created to carry in relative measures its light and heat and shine brightly—in relation to the sun, ray’s existence is like that of a drifting shadow.  And to the extent the ray is faithful to its potential and free from the veils and clouds, to that extent it can shine out its innate gift and image of the sun, brightening also the day of the other creatures and beings.  Happy and blissful ought to be those rays that recognize their realities and shine truly like one! 

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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

首先,清洁;然后,清洗与新鲜、洁净和独立的精神应该构成人类生活的方式与标准。先必要清洗河流的河床;然后,导致而使泔水在河床流入。我的意思是,在生活的每一个方面,纯洁与圣洁、清洗和高雅,颂扬人地位的条件和促进人内在情况的发展。同样在物理领域也清洁和清洗将有助于灵性,依照圣典明确地阐述。虽然身体的清洗是物理性的,但是于精神上生活的洁净有力量强大的影响。” (阿博都.巴哈,《阿博都.巴哈写作选集》,146 页)

"First in a human being's way of life must be purity, then freshness, cleanliness, and independence of spirit. First must the stream bed be cleansed; then, may the sweet river waters be led into it... My meaning is this, that in every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition and further the development of man's inner reality.  Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality, as the Holy Writings clearly state. And although bodily cleanliness is a physical thing, it hath, nevertheless, a powerful influence on the life of the spirit."
 ("Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha", p. 146)

一个画家的画,一个音乐家的音乐,诗人的诗歌和笔者的写作---各自是一件艺术品和精细的创造---扩展地反映它艺术家与创造者的技能与原来的典雅,滋养美容和授给完美与优雅。同样,一个人的内在纯洁和高雅与他外在的清洗与整洁普通地表示他全部全体的情况和素质。虽然经常会被认为一种简单的并不太重要的事,又朴素、不声不响的;相反,那样物理性和精神上的状况就本身表示力地说明人如何尊敬、关心和联系自己和其之所周围的环境、亲属与所有其他的人。深刻地观察在上面摘录的选集之内提出的“高雅”,可见这字词含意多的概念,意味广泛的精神和物质的含义;比如,有礼貌和有教养、圣洁和纯洁、文雅和情切以及精细、宽大与精美和优雅。 优秀地发展这些都构成人类高尚与美德的集合,根据建立适合的生活模式并把自己在一个循序渐进的道路上结合----就应成为文明生活的艺术!

A painter’s painting, a musician’s melody, the poet’s poem and the writer’s work—each being a work of art and a fine creation—is a reflection and an extension of the one who produces such pristine elegance, nourishing beauty and imparting perfection and grace.  Likewise, one’s inner purity and refinement and outward cleanliness and neatness manifest and speak of her and his inner and outward state and qualities. However often it may  seem just a simple trait and at times even being quietly undermined, such meticulous and refreshing state of physical and spiritual being, itself eloquently indicates how one respects, cares and relates to oneself, to one’s immediate surroundings and environment, and every person that meets and interacts with him and her.  Reflecting deeper on the word “refinement” and its implications in the above Quotation, one realizes that it profoundly contains importantly broad spiritual and material meanings; such as, politeness and civility, sanctity and purity, elegance and delicacy, gentleness and gracefulness, graciousness and magnanimity—each being a sterling characteristic and splendid virtue.  To develop in ourselves these wonderful qualities, which constitute a choicest collection of human and moral excellence, establishes a life pattern and engages one on a progressive path which ought to be rightfully called the art of the civilized living!

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Thursday, 10 May 2012


Meaningful words and good thoughts are aimed to cultivate meaningful actions and goodness; they cleanse and polish our beings.  And the polished “beings” produce more of the good “doings”.   "Being" and "Doing", hand in hand, in harmonious effort, life becomes a melodious concert—where the Words unfold deeper meanings, thoughts and visions go deeper and soar high. Thus the beats keep on with joyous fulfillment and perfection at every sunrise. 

富足时须慷慨,困苦时也须感恩。要值得令人的信任,以明亮友善之容待人。作穷人的宝库, 富人的规劝者,贫困者哭唤应答者,你许下诺言的谨守者。判断要公正, 三思而后言。不要对任何人不公正,要对所有的人谦虚柔顺。当如夜行者的明灯,悲伤者的欢乐,干渴者的海洋,苦难者的天堂,被压迫者的护卫。让清白和正直使你的一切行为卓著。做异乡人的家园,痛苦者的慰籍,逃亡者的依靠。当盲人的双眼,迷途者的引导之光。做真理面容上的宝饰,忠诚之额上的冠冕, 正直殿宇中的栋梁,人类躯体的生命气息,正义万军的旗帜, 美德地平线上的星辰,慈润人心土壤的露珠, 知识海洋上的方舟,恩惠天空中的朝阳, 智慧冠冕上的宝石, 当代苍弯中的光亮的光芒,谦虚之树上的果实。”
(巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉圣典选集》,285 页)

“Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face.  Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, and answerer of the cry of needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, a tower of strength for the fugitive. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be an ornament to the countenance of truth, a crown to the brow of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary above the horizon of virtue, a dew to the soil of the human heart, an ark on the ocean of knowledge, a sun in the heaven of bounty, a gem on the diadem of wisdom, a shining light in the firmament of thy generation, a fruit upon the tree of humility.”
(Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah”, p. 285)

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Learning Felicity

Saturday, 5 May 2012

子曰:“学而不思则亡。思而不学则始。  (孔子,《论语. 为政第二,15》)

Confucius said: “If you study but do not think, then you are already perished and dead. If you think but do not study, you are beginning to wither away and perish.” (“Analects”, Chapter 2, #15)

这里孔子强调的是人思维权力的不可或缺的必要性而学习和研究的重要与关键的作用。缺乏思维和智能的思考,人类的存在就缺乏真实的价值。人精神的权力,即使他理解和感觉的力量,也独特的是人在创造界中高贵不比的地位和明显的不同存在而高于动物世界的主要原因。当然,这些潜在的力量和 每一个灵魂充分地固有的---通过教育和学习,通过人自己的意志,努力和进步地拓展;还有,通过社会的培育和支持与匹配和有意义方案、为人提供实际有用的技能和知识的培训---都随着被指导和被确认于精神力量的授助与应用崇高的原则和道德规则,需要培育和发展。

Confucius emphasizes on the indispensable necessity of “thinking”, and the importance and crucial effect of learning and study. Without thinking, there is no value in the human being.  Faculty of perception and understanding which in reality are the powers of human spirit, are what primarily make us singular noble creatures, distinctly different and higher than that of the animal world.   Of course these powers potentially and amply inherent in each soul, need to be cultivated and developed—through education and learning, by one’s own volition, efforts and progressive pursuits, supported and nourished by the society and the matching and meaningful programs which offer actual knowledge and train useful skills and traits—all guided and confirmed by divine assistance and the application of noble principles and moral codes.  

(阿博都.巴哈,《世界和平之传扬》,300 页)

“Inasmuch as ignorance and lack of education are barriers of separation among mankind, all must receive training and instruction. Through this provision the lack of mutual understanding will be remedied and the unity of mankind furthered and advanced. Universal education is a universal law. It is, therefore, incumbent upon every father to teach and instruct his children according to his possibilities. If he is unable to educate them, the body politic, the representative of the people, must provide the means for their education.” (`Abdu’l-Baha, “Promulgation of Universal Peace”, p. 300)

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