Monday, 30 April 2012

Developing our innate powers, intelligence and potential nobility to possess an independent, just and free spirit

“上苍已给予人探询之眼, 经由它他能看见并认识真理;他也赐予人耳朵, 使他能听见真实之信息;更赋予了他思维的礼物,使他能自己发现东西。这是每个人的天赋和调查真实之工具。人本来就不该以他人的眼睛去观察,以他人的耳朵去听闻, 也不可用他人的头脑去思考的。在上帝富有创造性的宏图中,每个人都有其独特的天赋,力量与责任。”
(啊搏都.巴哈,《世界和平之传扬》,293 页)

“God has given man the eye of investigation by which he may see and recognize truth. He has endowed man with ears that he may hear the message of reality and conferred upon him the gift of reason by which he may discover things for himself. This is his endowment and equipment for the investigation of reality. Man is not intended to see through the eyes of another, hear through another’s ears nor comprehend with another’s brain. Each human creature has individual endowment, power and responsibility in the creative plan of God.”   (`Abdu’l-Baha, “Promulgation of Universal Peace”, p. 293)

灵之子啊!在我眼里,万象中最可爱的是正义;如你渴望我,就别背离它,不要忽视它,我才会信任你。凭它之助,你将以自己的眼睛洞察而不是通过邻人的知识。在你心中沉思这点; 你该怎么做。真确的, 正义是我赐予你的礼物和我对你慈爱与仁慈的表现和象征。 
(巴哈欧拉, 《巴哈欧拉之隐言经》,3 页)

“O Son of Spirit! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee.  By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor.  Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily Justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes.” (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Hidden Words”, p. 3)    

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

接收了春雨的恩惠,地球的卓越是在土壤起翠绿和肥沃,越来越发芽香草,盛开植物与鲜花而带来果树结果,有了美丽的花园,五彩缤纷的草地,绿色和强大的高山都就很明显地表达“矿物世界的繁荣”。不过,它真实的卓越 是进行而前进向更高的境界也就是动物和人的世界。那是什么使动物世界的繁荣和完美呢? 拥有了健康的体和器官,强的成员和权力与它所需要的,动物界就到达满意。但,动物的最终完善并它真正的繁荣是通过而到达人类的世界取得进展, 维持着人的生存与健康,成为它的一部分。矿物,植物和动物世界具有的这么丰富的物质财产和财富,都属于它们最高的发扬光大。从这些与逻辑和有洞察力的心可以清楚地理解, 人类的完美和荣誉应该超过物质方面的丰富和进步;因为,人崇高的地位跟它们的情况比较而言是无比的。当然人,都个体的和集体的,也需要物质上的财富与发展;但是,通过其一生就得到这些很不足够的,并且对人高贵的地位是不相当的状态。物质方面的发展,利润和增进,只构成人类完美的一部分。真实完美的表示和人高贵状态的证据是他优秀的特性和优点,普遍的智慧和知识观念,卓越的情感和科学发现。人真正的修饰是道德优秀,正义的加剧和公平,诚实与仁爱,天生的勇气和毅力;是在他尊重和保护人类权利,维持所奠定的公约和协定,表达亲切,尊重所有国家的人民和教育所有种族。就这些造成人类境界的真正财富与其名誉和永恒的荣耀。

The honor and exaltation of every existing being depends on the causes and circumstances.”  The excellence of the earth is, receiving the bounty of the spring rain, to be verdant and fertile, growing herbs and flowers, blooming plants and fruit-bearing trees—as a result have beautiful gardens, colorful meadows, green and mighty mountains—which of course is the “prosperity of the mineral world”.  However, the real perfection of the mineral is to progress into a higher world than its own—which is the animal and human world.  What condition makes the animal world prosperous and perfect?  When it possesses healthy body and organs, members and powers, and have all its needs met and supplied.  But the real prosperity and ultimate perfection of an animal is to progress forward through entering into the human world, maintaining the well-being of human being’s body and becoming part of it.  The material possession and wealth—which the mineral, the vegetable, and the animal worlds thus so bountifully acquire and have—is the highest perfection and exaltation which belongs to them and to their realms. From this a logical and perceptive mind would readily and clearly understand and see that the honor and perfection of a human being must therefore be something more than material riches and physical advancements.  Of course the human world also needs to advance materially, but that advancement alone is not enough, nor is it by itself worthy and deserving of the noble and high station of man. Matrial gains and progress constitute only one part of the human perfection. The real sign of perfection and the proof of human being’s exaltation is in his good attributes and virtues, universal wisdom and intellectual perceptions, and in his sublime emotions and scientific discoveries. Human being’s true adornment is his moral excellence, and his acquirement of justice and equity, truthfulness and benevolence, natural courage and innate fortitude; it is in respect for the rights of others and keeping of agreements and covenants, it is in his kindness and esteem for all nations and the education of all the races.  These are among the true wealth of the human world and the cause of its eternal glory and honor.
Every human being is invested with innate potential and capacity to manifest and develop these traits and noble perfections, and while the potentials are diverse in degrees and measures, and varied in quality and kinds, no one is born without such a powerful gift and capacity. Albeit, that capacity is concealed within its being and needs to be developed and brought to light, like a blooming and fruit-bearing tree which once been hidden in a seed.  "All that which ye potentially possess, can" Bahá'u'lláh confirms, "be manifested only as a result of your own volition." 

(巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉圣典选集》,英文本260 页)

Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value.  Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit there from.”  
(“Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah”, p. 260)

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Sunday, 22 April 2012

                            (阿博都.巴哈,《世界和平之传扬》,p. 54

“A fundamental teaching of Baha’u’llah is the oneness of the world of humanity. Addressing mankind He says, ‘Ye are all leaves of one tree and the fruits of one branch.’   By this it is meant that the world of humanity is like a tree, the nations or peoples are the different limbs or branches of that tree and the individual human creatures are as the fruits and blossoms thereof.”
                  (By `Abdu’l-Baha, “Promulgation of the Universal Peace”, p. 454)

Thursday, 19 April 2012

巴哈伊神圣蓄兹万节日是巴哈欧拉在1863年,在蓄兹万花园中向随从流放者公开宣告他之使命和新时代届临的喜悦信息的周年纪念。蓄兹万的纪念节在四月21 日到五月2 日之内的时期, 一共十二天,被巴哈伊信仰者庆祝。

Baha'i Ridvan Festival, which is commemorated and celebrated each year for tweleve days, during the period of April 21-May 2--marks Baha'u'llah's Declaration of His Mission to His companions in 1863. It is the "holiest and most significant of the Baha'i Festivals".

关于巴哈伊蓄兹万节(Ridvan Festival) 以获取更多的信息请访问以下网站:
To learn more about the Ridvan Festival and the history of the Declaration of Baha'u'llah, please visit:


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Wednesday, 18 April 2012


“That was that time and another period; this too is this time and another age.” 
                                                                                          (“Meng Zi.Gong Sun Chou Xia) 

这是 “。。。一个原则, 即,每件事追求它固定的时间与时代,每一个果实的出现和成熟有所注定的适应季节。。。 ;一旦时间到了,它那个潜在能量的宝藏可以最好地释放, 此类纯粹新礼物的荣光才会体现出来。” (巴哈欧拉之写作摘录)

It is “…of the principle that, for everything a time hath been fixed, and for every fruit a season hath been ordained… which the latent energies of such a bounty can best be released, and the vernal glory of such a gift can only be manifested…”  (“Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah”, p. 263)
一切事都有其自己适合的时间,每个时间也都有其自己的要求和条件。在夏季需要的什么好事,是不适宜冬天的时间;必于春天进行的工作,要在冬季的时候做就太迟而不相关了。很久产生的东西虽然在其时间接受了满意,可能不会总是继续良好而令人满足。一件漂亮的服装和新的装备,在适当的时间与季节成为非常和适;但,一使用地旧了就应被抛弃。一种行为和生活方式尽管小的时候被人认为很好值得称赞的,不过人一长大了那个实行不再合适而无值得赞扬,它实际上也可能被看作是一个很大的叛逃和不完善的态度和姿势。在以前的时代只有英勇地保护和保障家庭单位的利益是足够的而是非常值得称赞的;虽然家庭的权益还是特别重要,但是,现在 就保障家庭单位是不够的。要为了自人的城市和区域全心全意地争取与努力,在尽一切的英勇由于自己的国家和民族战斗,尽管都从前算是最崇高的荣誉,现在这样是不够的而不再有助于单一的区域或地区的保护和繁荣。需要现在的是把全地球看它更一个国家一样而算全世界的人一个国家的人民,是为了全人类努力地参加保护和维护地球及其它所有资源和财富。 在遵守这种原则的过程中和这时代的需求,我们所独立的国家和地区的保护与善良将得到保证而肯定地被保障。就当时人类都值得的繁荣和完善才将发现,那样每个人希望的善良情况才将正当地被发生。

Everything has its own time and every time has its own requirement and conditions.  What is good and needed in summer, would not be suitable for the winter period; and what is to be done in spring, could be too late and irrelevant to be undertaken in wintry season.  Something that had been good and acceptable in a certain time, might not continue to be always good and satisfactory.  Once a nice garment and a new outfit, cannot be expected to remain becoming and fit at all times—it would need to be discarded when used and old. A behavior and a way of life and conduct that was considered to be right and praiseworthy in childhood, would not be commendable and appropriate—in fact may even be seen as a great defection and mere imperfection—for a grown up and adult person.  In former times it was very praiseworthy and heroic to safeguard and protect the interests of a family unit, whatever it took and however the sacrifice—and it surely is important and shall ever to be so—but to just think of one’s own family is certainly not enough, no more.  To devotedly endeavor and fight for one’s city and region, and heroically exert every effort in battle-fields for one’s country and nation, was the noblest act and honor; but now that alone is not sufficient, nor conducive to the protection and prosperity, safeguard and advancement of that single region or that one country.  What is the requirement of this time, sufficing and fit for the demands of this age, is to see the world as one planet and its people as one people. It is joining the will and the effort to protect and safeguard the planet, preserving it and its resources and wealth, for all.  Abiding by this principle and meeting the calls of this age and this period of time, the goodness and protection of our own independent nations and regions, our own neighborhoods and families too shall all be safeguarded and treasured.  Then, everyone will attain the prosperity and perfection which each one rightfully deserves and aspires for it to happen.     

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Sunday, 15 April 2012

赐我一颗纯净的心,我的上帝啊, 恢复我宁静的良知,我的希望啊!透过你威权之灵,使我在你的圣道中坚强,我的钟爱者啊,并以你荣耀之光显示给我你的途径,我所渴望之目标啊!经由你超凡的威力,提升我至你神圣的天国,我的生命之源啊,以你永恒的和风来畅快我,我的上帝啊!让你恒久的施律使我安宁,我的伴侣啊,并让你亘古圣容的富俗使我除你之外脱离一切,我的主宰啊!让你那不朽本质所启示的信息带给我喜悦,显露中之最显露者,隐秘中之最隐秘者啊!(巴哈欧拉启示的一件祷文)

“Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew a tranquil conscience within me, O my Hope! Through the spirit of power confirm Thou me in Thy Cause, O my Best-Beloved, and by the light of Thy glory reveal unto me Thy path, O Thou the Goal of my desire!  Through the power of Thy transcendent might lift me up unto the heaven of Thy holiness, O Source of my being, and by the breezes of Thine eternity gladden me, O Thou Who art my God!  Let Thine everlasting melodies breathe tranquility on me, O my Companion, and let the riches of Thine ancient countenance deliver me from all except Thee, O my Master, and let the tidings of the revelation of Thine incorruptible Essence bring me joy, O Thou Who art the most manifest of the manifest and the most hidden of the hidden!” (Prayer revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Prayers and Meditations”, p. 248)

在宇宙中所存在的和谐与一体性,我们的统一和警醒的符合更与比我们自己有限的存在更大的,即无限 存在之源,明确地反映世界上万物的一体和创造界的一致性。祈祷就是这种理解和实现的手段与表示;由于它的影响扩大而伸展我们有限的力量和致命的能力 ,并将它们连接到宇宙来源的无限辅助力量。如果与洞察力和有自由的思想,以真诚和纯洁的心灵说,祈祷将吸引神圣力量的辅助, 因而将滋养我们的期望与能力,并将给于我们做出的努力和行动支持。不过, 祈祷本身是足不够的---为了神圣的力量和帮助达到我们,我们需要做出努力,必须发挥我们的作用和贡献。祈祷和实行与行动是相辅相成的。

Harmony and oneness, unity and vigilant conformity with something far greater than our own limited self, is a reflection of the true coherence and actual oneness that exists in the world of creation. Prayer is indeed a testimony to such understanding and realization; it is the way of expanding our mortal abilities and stretching our limited forces to reach and connect with the Source of power and might in the universe.  Prayer attracts divine powers, nourishes our abilities and creates high aspirations, and it supports our actions and endeavors.  Of course, prayer alone is not enough; in order for the divine powers to reach us and assist us, we need to make the effort and have to render our share and play our part well. Prayer and action go hand in hand.


To allow respected readers a chance to contemplate on the words and concepts which each one so richly entail, thinking and developing their own insights—as is primarily and in truth the objective of this site, please note that the new posts will appear within a few days intervals. 

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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

“真正的损失等待着那在对自己茫然无知中而耗费了他的岁月的人。” (巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉书简集》,155-157 页)

“True loss is for him whose days have been spent in utter ignorance of his self.”   (“Words of Wisdom--Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas”, pp. 155-157)

大惑者,终身不解。    庄子.天地》

‘The most lost, ignorant and confused one is the one who does not comprehend and get it together all through his lifelong.’    (From the Book of “Zhuang zi”, chapter of “Tian Di”)


We humans are gifted with the faculty of intellect and power of comprehension—to discover the realities of the universe and the mysteries of the realm of creation, to understand nature and the interconnected relations of every existent being.  The knowledge and understanding thus acquired leads us to what is good and right.  And as we engage in such discoveries and learning, it is likewise both our privilege and our responsibility to know ourselves and to recognize the realities of our own being.  Each one of us is created with great potential and immense capacities, however diverse in kinds and different in measures, which need to be discovered and developed.  Knowing ourselves and gaining ever-deeper understanding of the purpose of our lives—through continuous contemplation, learning and action—will increasingly develop in us a true sense of self-esteem and self-worthAttaining to such a realization and treading such a noble path is the beginning of human perfection.               

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Friday, 6 April 2012

"Do not think the peace of the world is an ideal impossible to attain.  Nothing is impossible to the divine benevolence of God.  If you desire with all your heart friendship with every race on earth, your thought, spiritual and positive will spread; it will become the desire of others, growing stronger until it reaches the minds of all men."  (`Abdu'l-Baha, "Baha'u'llah and the New Era", p. 163)

“他曰过了, 对你们,人民,所好的。除了正义,爱仁慈,跟上帝谦虚的步行---他还有有什么要求呢?”  《旧约圣经。海地文书,68
"He has told you, O man, what is good. What does God require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?"  (From Old Testament, "The Book of Micah", 6:8)
想象一下!如果我们大家会接受这些想法和理想而在我们天天生活中的实行翻译它们的意思和精神, 我们的日子优劣还有其他人的生活会怎样的改良而进步?这些都是真理,并非是空虚的理想。他们激励积极和有意思的思想而这种的思想总是产生良好的结果。 就这样善良将蓬勃发展!
Imagine! If we would all entertain these high ideals, sentiments and thoughts and would translate them in day to day life, how would our days and the days of others change?!  These are not just poetry and beautiful admonitions—these are TRUTHS revealed and written for us to think and use for unfolding the concealed beauties and potential gems within the realities of each and every one of us.  When we read them, they make us to think.   And that is how goodness begins to flourish!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

"This is the day for excellence of character and conduct."

为世界的改善,我们需要真正的主动性、文化外交、好的国家政策,和一致的努力。您想我们个人于这些能有怎样的贡献? 在社会与全部的发展改善是否一个人的任务和尽力会算什么?
For the betterment of the world, we need genuine initiatives, cultural diplomacy, good public policy, and consistent efforts.
What would you think to be the primal role and effort on the part of the individual--you and me? 

“Humility exalts man to the heaven of glory.”

(From the Writings of Baha'u'llah, the Founder of the Baha'i Faith)

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