Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Like Water


“Best of goodness and excellence is that of the water.  Water's merit and goodness lies in its benefiting all things; and in spite of that, roaring and flowing gently with free nature, it treads the path of lowliness and reaches down the places where all men dislike. Hence its path is near to that of the Tao.  Residing on the ground of goodness, with heart rooted in goodness, benevolent and kind, the words spoken are honest and trusted, the leadership is powerful and healing, the affairs are useful and works rendered capable and effective, and the changes are timely and proper.”   (“Dao De Jing”, chapter 8)

你们上帝的人啊!公正善良的博学而为教导人民致力,有自由地从基地和贪婪自然的提示被自好守卫的人们,在他世界欲望的视域,是真实知识天堂的星。必要与高区别对待他们。他们 确是更软流动水的喷泉一样,是发光灿烂的星又神圣被保佑树的果子,是天堂力量的代表者,上天智慧的海洋也。幸福的愉快是跟随他们的人。实在,这样的人物在那些,即,与他们都将是完美完好之中,在上帝、强大阁下的王主之经典被编号。” (《巴哈欧拉之经典》,页97

“O people of God!  Righteous men of learning who dedicate themselves to the guidance of others and are freed and well guarded from the promptings of a base and covetous nature are, in the sight of Him Who is the Desire of the world, stars of the heaven of true knowledge.  It is essential to treat them with deference.  They are indeed fountains of soft-flowing water, stars that shine resplendent, fruits of the blessed Tree, exponents of celestial power, and oceans of heavenly wisdom.  Happy is he that followeth them.  Verily such a soul is numbered in the Book of God, the Lord of the mighty Throne, among those with whom it shall be well.” (“Tablets of Baha’u’llah”, p. 97)

在真正幸福与那仅仅是幻想之间是,我们一旦到达那前一个而赢得它,我们就非常珍惜它, 不要它消失,并且一直热切地设法追求有更多的;以那后情况下来说明,然而,一旦我们拥有了它我们就感到着满意有时不在要它而时常还没有充分地享用它我们的焦点就分散搜寻幸福,我们可能感到徒劳不足道的,甚至更坏也我们或许默默地混淆和太困厄地感觉生活是奇怪又没有什么意思。于真正的幸福导致与起因的渴望和情绪是完美完全的喜悦,因为它丰富既灵魂又心,理性又心情;它装饰既人精神又他物质的住宅。幻想物质的幸福仅能遇见人暂短的需要和追求;因为,它本身是临死没有持久的踪影和作用,类似渐渐离开飘动的阴影。物质世界,因此,与它乐趣和幸福一起投掷于我们哀痛和绝望;但,“精神世界仅赠送喜悦。

The difference between the happiness which is real and the one which is mere illusion is that once we reach to the former and earn it, we treasure it dearly, do not want it to vanish, eagerly trying and pursuing to have more; in the case of the later, however, once we possess it we feel satisfied and at times without even enjoying it fully, our focus gets distracted and our mind begins wondering about the meaning of our life, silently confused and distressed too perhaps, searching for happiness! The eagerness and sentiment caused by and resulted from the real one is a holistic joy as it enriches both the soul and the mind, adorns both the spiritual and material abodes of ones being, while the later and passing one only meets the material, the mortal and fleeting needs and pursuits and thus itself mortal with no lasting trace and effect, drifts away like a shadow.  The world of matter, therefore, casts sorrow and despair on us along with its pleasures and happiness; where "The spiritual world bestows only joy."

我的兄弟啊!倾听我甘美之舌的悦耳之言, 畅饮我甜蜜之唇的神圣之圈!将我神圣智慧之种子,播种在你纯洁的心田,浇以确信之水,使我知识与智慧之风信子,在你心灵之圣域里,出壮成长, 花红叶绿。 (巴哈欧拉,《隐言经》,33

“O MY BROTHER! Hearken to the delightsome words of My honeyed tongue, and quaff the stream of mystic holiness from My sugar-shedding lips.  Sow the seeds of My divine wisdom in the pure soil of thy heart, and water them with the water of certitude, that the hyacinths of My knowledge and wisdom may spring up fresh and green in the sacred city of thy heart.”
(Revealed by Baha'u'llah, “The Hidden Words”, verse 33)

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