认识与理解,知识与 崇拜
“我的上帝啊,我见证, 你创造了我以认识你和崇拜你。在此刻,我印证我的无能和你的权能,我的贫穷和你的富有。除你之外,别无上帝,你是苦难中的救助者,自上自在着。”(巴哈欧拉,“义务祷文.短的”,《巴哈伊祷文集典》,页4)
“I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth. There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.” (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Short Obligatory Prayer”, “Baha’i Prayers”, p. 4)
万象中,人类是上帝所有创造物的最完美,是独占的具有珍贵的礼物,即智慧。使用了这权力,这宝贵的礼物,人类才能意识到上帝的存在和领悟,由于它能会一次又一次地向人类派遣使者所启示的真理。 上帝的品格是绝对性的,他是永恒的,是代表绝对的真理。但,人的智慧虽然是在世界造物中具有的最唯一的,它有有限的而勿能超过他的限度。人只能由于认识 上帝派遣的各位使者,可以间接的认识上帝,因为这些使者是上帝的显示,是他派向人间的代表。巴哈伊认为,人类的进步和完美的动力是认识和接近上帝,“了解上帝是一切事物的开始。”
From among all created beings, human being is God’s most perfect creation that possesses the most precious and unique gift, which is the power of reason and wisdom. Using that power man can attain the recognition of God and His existence. Through the power of thought and reasoning man can day by day draw closer to the Truth. The existence of God is an absolute state of authority, is eternal and the essence and manifestation of the most sublime sovereignty that has had no beginning and shall have never an end. It stands on its own and by itself, and the entire universe and every existent being stands by it and depends upon it. Of course, to know the essence of God is not possible for the finite human mind and perception, but through the recognition of the Manifestations of God—sent by Him as Divine Educators at every age for the guidance of the people—man can and should acquire the knowledge of God and partake of the ocean of His blessings and source of wisdom. Man’s development and advancement depends upon such recognition, and his continuous progress on towards his perfection is closely related and pending to his nearness to God. Baha’u’llah has stated: “The knowledge of God is beginning of all things.”
“存在之子啊!以威权之手我塑造了你。以力量之指我创造了你;在你之中我以置放了我光明之精髓。你该以此满足而勿另寻其它, 因为我的作品是完美的,我的命令是必须遵守的。不要询问,也不要有一丝怀疑。”(《巴哈欧拉之隐言经》,阿拉伯 12 号)
“O Son Of Being! With the hands of power I made thee and with the fingers of strength I created thee; and within thee have I placed the essence of My light. Be thou content with it and seek naught else, for My work is perfect and My command is binding. Question it not, nor have a doubt thereof.” (Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh, “Hidden Words”, Arabic #12)
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