Friday, 27 December 2013


珍惜时间我们珍贵的生活Treasuring the time—our precious life!

每天计算。每片刻必须被珍惜。 生活虽然包括无数的月年,它物质的存在是短而暂的。应无疏松一呼吸也,不要失去一扫视,无该除非从内在的喜悦抽出到人自全身让一敲打夜过去,给赐予着生命发光、乐观与欢欣,反射着光和善良在所横渡我们生活道路人的天天跑道和生活大路。这是真正的生活。拥有和坚持这种的精神本身是生活的奖励和完美。庆祝并且享用,因而以微笑和履行的感觉建立您,还有其他人,都将记住的一天。

Time is constantly beating
Every day counts. Every moment must be treasured. However countless in long years though it may be, life is fleeting and its physical existence is short. No breath to loose, no glance to miss, no beat to be passed without inner joy pumping into ones entire being, animating radiance, optimism and delight, reflecting light and goodness on the path of whomsoever his/her path might be crossed on the day to day life. This is real life. This spirit is living itself, is the reward, the perfection. Celebrate and enjoy, and thus build a day which you shall remember with smile and sense of fulfillment--and others shall too.

反思和思考,你们人类阿!你们主宰的恩典和祝福的礼物是那么宽宏大量的,然后在日暮和曙光感谢他吧。别浪费你们的时间在无聊,也不懒懒散散;但更换,尽力地从事那会将于你们和于其他人有益的职业。(巴哈欧拉,“亚格达斯经.至圣经书”,韵文 32)

“Reflect, O people, on the grace and blessings of your Lord, and yield Him thanks at eventide and dawn. Waste not your hours in idleness and sloth, but occupy yourselves with what will profit you and others.”  (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “Kitab-i-Aqdas”, p. 30)

大惑者,终身不解。 庄子.天地

‘The biggest loser and most confused and wondering one is the one who never comprehends and recognizes himself and thus ultimately fails in understanding and getting it together up to the end of his life.’  (From the Book of “Zhuang zi”, chapter of “Tian Di”)

真正的损失等待着那在对自己茫然无知中而耗费了他的岁月的人。 (巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉书简集》,155-157

“True loss is for him whose days have been spent in utter ignorance of his self.” (“Words of Wisdom--Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas”, pp. 155-157)


Every human being is invested with innate potential and capacity to manifest and develop these traits and noble perfections, and while the potentials are diverse in degrees and measures, and varied in quality and kinds, no one is born without such a powerful gift and capacity. Albeit, that capacity is concealed within each one’s being and needs to be developed and brought to light, like a blooming and fruit-bearing tree which once been hidden in a seed.  "All that which ye potentially possess, can" Bahá'u'lláh confirms, "…be manifested only as a result of your own volition."

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Sunday, 3 November 2013



Fulfilled, Great and Happy
a Life That Is Meaningful Now and One Which Lives For Ever!

人被创造的目的是推进不断演进之文明。(巴哈欧拉,《巴哈欧拉圣典选集》,215 页)

All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization
(Revealed by Baha'u'llah,"Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah", p. 215 

“一个人的幸福与伟大,地位和状态,愉悦和安宁从来不在于他个人的财富而是在他优秀的品格、高尚的决心、广度的学识与他解决困难问题的能力。”阿博都.巴哈《神圣文明的》,23 页)

The happiness and greatness, the rank and station, the pleasure and peace, of an individual have never consisted in his personal wealth, but rather in his excellent character, his high resolve, the breadth of his learning and his ability to solve difficult problems.
("The Secret of Divine Civilization", p.23)


不是就这种类的人我们在生活里与现在的社会比以往任何时候都更需要的?我们不是都希望在世界上有更多的这样奋起有助而贡献建设和弘扬人类文明---所将我们人类感到真正的自豪和荣耀---的人吗?我们每个人不会,也不应该这样---有坚决地、信心地,同时也有谦逊的心、有真正的服务精神与友谊地---想要做到这种人的目标吗?具有这种高尚的目标并努力地指望作为这种的人, 就是真正高贵的标志;是真正的领导, 那除了成功和造成荣耀无知别的果实一种!

Isn’t this a kind of people whom we really need in our lives and our societies today?  Wouldn’t we all have wished that more of these individuals would exist in the world and arise to contribute in building and carrying forward a civilization which would be the true pride and glory of humanity? Wouldn’t we each wanted and shouldn’t we each aim—resolutely with confidence and resourcefulness, yet humbly with genuine spirit of service and friendship—to be one of those individuals?  To aim high and to endeavor in being of the kind, is the sign of true nobility.  It is a leadership which shall know none but success and glory!

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Wednesday, 4 September 2013


    雅洁 Refinement

你们要紧紧抓住雅洁这条组带,切莫让衣衫上有看得见任何污色。这是其圣化超越任何雅洁给你们的训谕。” (巴哈欧拉,《亚格达斯经》,74 韵文,33-34 页)

“Cleave ye unto the cord of refinement with such tenacity as to allow no trace of dirt to be seen upon your garments.  Such is the injunction of One Who is sanctified above all refinement.” (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “The Kitab-i-Aqdas”, Verse 74, p. 46)

一个画家的画,一个音乐家的音乐,诗人的诗歌和笔者的写作---各自是一件艺术品和精细的创造---扩展地反映它艺术家与创造者的技能与原来的典雅,滋养美容和授给完美与优雅。同样,一个人的内在纯洁和高雅,时常发生的态度与个人的品性,他外在的清洗与整洁普通,虽然都在不同的程度和有差异地,表示他的内在情况和品格、想法的方向和感情状态的健康与丰富、个人的特点和他长大的环境与所习惯的素质。虽然我们个人外面的清洁和整齐的情况经常会被认为一种简单的并不太重要的事,又朴素、不声不响的,还有更糟的能被解释而翻译为不足道的复杂化;相反,那样物理性和精神上的状况就本身表示力地说明人如何尊敬、关心和联系自己和其之所周围的环境、亲属与所有其他的人。深刻地观察在上又下面摘录的各自选集之内提出的“高雅”、“雅洁”,可见这字词含意多的概念,意味广泛的精神和物质的含义;比如,有礼貌和有教养、圣洁和纯洁、文雅和情切以及精细、宽大与精美和优雅。 优秀地发展这些都构成人类高尚与美德的集合,根据建立适合的生活模式并把自己在一个循序渐进的道路 上结合----就应成为真正文明生活的艺术!

A painter’s painting, a musician’s melody, the poet’s poem and the writer’s work—each being a work of art and a fine creation—is a reflection and an extension of the one who produces such pristine elegance, nourishing beauty and imparting perfection and grace.  Likewise, one’s inner purity and refinement, frequented attitudes and personal demeanour, and his and her outward cleanliness and neatness all, however in diverse measures and ways, manifest and speak of one’s inner wealth and quality of character, the direction of thoughts and the richness of emotional state, personal traits and up-bringing, his and her social environment, inherited habits and acquired interests, and more. However often one’s outward cleanliness and tidy organization may seem just a simple trait, at times having been even quietly undermined, or worse to have been criticized as rigidity, personal disorder, and a vain sophistication perhaps, a meticulous refinement and refreshing state of physical and spiritual being itself eloquently indicates that how one esteems and cares, respects and relates to oneself and one’s nobility as a human being worthy of true attention, to one’s immediate surroundings and environment, and to every other person whom she and he meets and interacts with every day on the life-path. Reflecting deeper on the word “refinement” and its implications in the Quotation below, one realizes that it profoundly contains importantly broad spiritual and material meanings; such as, politeness and civility, sanctity and purity, elegance and delicacy, gentleness and gracefulness, graciousness and magnanimity—each being a sterling characteristic and splendid virtue.  To develop in ourselves these wonderful qualities, which constitute a choicest collection of human and moral excellence, establishes a life pattern and engages one on a progressive path which ought to be rightfully called the art of the true civilized living!

首先,清洁;然后,清洗与新鲜、洁净和独立的精神应该构成人类生活的方式与标准。先必要清洗河流的河床;然后,导致而使泔水在河床流入。我的意思是,在生活的每一个方面,纯洁与圣洁、清洗和高雅,颂扬人地位的条件和促进人内在情况的发展。同样在物理领域也清洁和清洗将有助于灵性,依照圣典明确地阐述。 虽然身体的清洗是物理性的, 但是于精神上生活的洁净有力量强大的影响。”
(阿博都.巴哈,《阿博都.巴哈写作选集》,146 页)

"First in a human being's way of life must be purity, then freshness, cleanliness, and independence of spirit. First must the stream bed be cleansed; then, may the sweet river waters be led into it... My meaning is this, that in every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition and further the development of man's inner reality.  Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality, as the Holy Writings clearly state. And although bodily cleanliness is a physical thing, it hath, nevertheless, a powerful influence on the life of the spirit."
 ("Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha", p. 146)

你们进食的时候,注意不可将手伸进大盘子与碗盘里的食物中。你们要采纳最符合雅洁标准的习俗。诚然,他[上苍的创造者]想在你们身上看见优雅的举止,正如在他伟大而至为壮丽的王国之乐园里的居民一样。在任何情况下都要坚持雅洁,这样,你们就能做到不让自己的眼睛欢看令你们自己和乐园的居民都厌恶反感的东西。” (巴哈欧拉,《亚格达斯经》,46 韵文,27 页)

“Take heed lest, when partaking of food, ye plunge your hands into the contents of bowls and platters.  Adopt ye such usages as are most in keeping with refinement.  He, verily, desireth to see in you the manners of the inmates of Paradise in His mighty and most sublime Kingdom. Hold ye fast unto refinement under all conditions, that your eyes may be preserved from beholding what is repugnant both to your own selves and to the dwellers of Paradise.” (Revealed by Baha’u’llah, “The Kitab-i-Aqdas”, Verse 46, p. 36)

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Saturday, 3 August 2013


Spirit of freedom and joyous tranquility

人类的愿望是无尽、无限的。无论人达到什么程度,他还有能得到更高的;因此,他一直要尽力地努力,希望更高尚的水准。除非通过努力然而立志地服从结果他永不会找到安宁;以致,虽然人所有世俗的尽力,他的心保持舒畅和幸福。他由获得财富与地位既不成为夸耀的,也如果失去了它们不灰心、不失望。只由信仰人能达到这样平静的状态。(阿博都.巴哈 10141912年陈述的;“Mahmud’s Diary”

“The desires of human beings are endless. No matter what level a human being reaches, he can still attain higher ones, so he is always making effort and desiring more. He can never find peace but through effort and resignation, so that, notwithstanding all efforts in worldly affairs, the human heart remains free and happy. He neither becomes proud on attaining wealth and position nor becomes dejected on losing them. This station can be attained only through the power of faith.” (Words of `Abdu’l-Baha, 14 October 1912, “Mahmud’s Diary”)

接收了春雨的恩惠,地球的卓越是在土壤起翠绿和肥沃,越来越发芽香草,盛开植物与鲜花而带来果树—结果,有了美丽的花园,五彩缤纷的草地,绿色和强大的高山—都就很明显地表达“矿物世界的繁荣”。不过,它真实的卓越 是进行而前进向更高的境界—也就是动物和人的世界。那是什么使动物世界的繁荣和完美呢? 拥有了健康的体和器官,强的成员和权力与它所需要的,动物界就到达满意。但,动物的最终完善并它真正的繁荣是通过而到达人类的世界取得进展, 维持着人的生存与健康,成为它的一部分。矿物,植物和动物世界具有的这么丰富的物质财产和财富,都属于它们最高的发扬光大。从这些与逻辑和有洞察力的心可以清楚地理解, 人类的完美和荣誉应该超过物质方面的丰富和进步;因为,人崇高的地位跟它们的情况比较而言是无比的。当然人,都个体的和集体的,也需要物质上的财富与发展;但是,通过其一生就得到这些很不足够的,并且对人高贵的地位是不相当的状态。物质方面的发展,利润和增进,只构成人类完美的一部分。真实完美的表示和人高贵状态的证据是他优秀的特性和优点,普遍的智慧和知识观念,卓越的情感和科学发现。人真正的修饰是道德优秀,正义的加剧和公平,诚实与仁爱,天生的勇气和毅力;是在他尊重和保护人类权利,维持所奠定的公约和协定,表达亲切,尊重所有国家的人民和教育所有种族。就这些造成人类境界的真正财富与其名誉和永恒的荣耀。

The honor and exaltation of every existing being depends on the causes and circumstances.”  The excellence of the earth is, receiving the bounty of the spring rain, to be verdant and fertile, growing herbs and flowers, blooming plants and fruit-bearing trees—as a result have beautiful gardens, colorful meadows, green and mighty mountains—which of course is the “prosperity of the mineral world”.  However, the real perfection of the mineral is to progress into a higher world than its own—which is the animal and human world.  What condition makes the animal world prosperous and perfect?  When it possesses healthy body and organs, members and powers, and have all its needs met and supplied.  But the real prosperity and ultimate perfection of an animal is to progress forward through entering into the human world, maintaining the well-being of human being’s body and becoming part of it.  The material possession and wealth—which the mineral, the vegetable, and the animal worlds thus so bountifully acquire and have—is the highest perfection and exaltation which belongs to them and to their realms. From this a logical and perceptive mind would readily and clearly understand and see that the honor and perfection of a human being must therefore be something more than material riches and physical advancements.  Of course the human world also needs to advance materially, but that advancement alone is not enough, nor is it by itself worthy and deserving of the noble and high station of man. Material gains and progress constitute only one part of the human perfection. The real sign of perfection and the proof of human being’s exaltation is in his good attributes and virtues, universal wisdom and intellectual perceptions, and in his sublime emotions and scientific discoveries. Human being’s true adornment is his moral excellence, and his acquirement of justice and equity, truthfulness and benevolence, natural courage and innate fortitude; it is in respect for the rights of others and keeping of agreements and covenants, it is in his kindness and esteem for all nations and the education of all the races.  These are among the true wealth of the human world and the cause of its eternal glory and honor.
Every human being is invested with innate potential and capacity to manifest and develop these traits and noble perfections, and while the potentials are diverse in degrees and measures, and varied in quality and kinds, no one is born without such a powerful gift and capacity. Albeit, that capacity is concealed within its being and needs to be developed and brought to light, like a blooming and fruit-bearing tree which once been hidden in a seed.  "All that which ye potentially possess, can" Bahá'u'lláh confirms, "be manifested only as a result of your own volition." 

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